30 March 2008

Clocks go forward in European region today!

For those of you in the European region, don't forget that your clocks need to be set one hour ahead from 1am today (30.3.08).
And for my dear Singaporeans back in Singapore who have no idea of what Daylight Saving Time (DST) as you all live at the equator, here is a rough explanation of it.
Generally speaking, due to the difference in the length of days in Summer and Winter (which varies more as you move towards the North or South Pole). Days grow longer when we are closer to Summer and shorter when we are approaching winter. For different regions on the earth, the days when the clock move forward (backward) differ too and it varies from year to year. Clocks move forward sometime in March and backward in October.
If you wish to read more and want to find out the rationale behind this confusing clock shifting habits, read this link.


footiam said...

When the clock moves forward, you do so too!

SheR. said...

Hm.. don't quite understand what you mean. :P
I will try!

Theresa Maduzia said...

Stumbled upon your blog...and I can't help but laugh! I'm an American with Croatian roots (Makarska) and travel there in the summers. I always wonder what outsiders think of the quirkiness of the culture! Keep braving through the weather...when May hits you'll be thrilled!

SheR. said...

Thanks Theresa. I've been here in the past few summers. And I understand it'll be different.
Now I'm just waiting. Spring is here and it already felt so much better!!!

Term papers said...

Very nice write up. Easy to understand and straight to the point.