13 November 2007

Croatian Election

It's been two months since I was here. Still no sign of my papers from Berlin. We had to carry on waiting as the major elections are coming. Couple of weeks ago, my fiance received a letter that he has to vote for the coming elections which is held on 25th November. It's quite interesting to see all the campaigns on TV, posters and free concerts.
We went to a free concert last night organised by one of the political party. Can't remember which one. I only knew their campaign is "Ljudi su snaga" which means People is Power. The concert started at 1800h. There were a few bands playing but the last band was our favourite, Let 3. Well, it was not really crowded as most people were quite put off by the political intent behind this concert. A couple of elderly men joined the party later on. They stayed on to listen to the speeches while the young which formed 70% of the party dispersed. It was quite an eye opener for me as being born a Singaporean, I didn't have to worry about which political party to choose. Or which ones are less corrupted. But I missed out on shows put up by different politicians. To have a good one party government or watch the colourful political campaigns? I choose the former.

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