14 March 2008

Croatians love meat.

And I'm not kidding. Their diet seem to consist of nothing else than beef, pork and lamb (or occasional chicken for the soups). You may have read somewhere that there are plenty of Riblji Restoran (Fish Restaurant) but in fact meat makes up 90% of a typical Croatian meal. Although I have to emphasize that each region have their own diets and the amount of meat on the table may be less than what I see in this region.
Besides the cheaper source of food being meat as compared to fish and also more widely available, hams and sausages can be found everywhere in every supermarkets. The wide variety of hams and sausages (local or imported) never fail to amaze me each time I step into a hypermart.
Why do I conclude that Croatians love their meat so much? Let me ask you, how much ham does an average family need to eat to make the choice of purchasing a meat slicer for their home? If you are in a store in Croatia that sells electrical appliances such as washing machines and television sets, you will definitely find an entire shelf or even an aisle dedicated to the display of Meat Slicers. As you can see in the picture above and for those who do not know what it is, the Meat Slicer makes the slicing of hams quicker and easier. Most restaurants and supermarkets are equipped with one of course. But to have one at home? That is truly absurd. What do you think?


micromu said...

Well....Also in Italy stores that sell electrical appliances, sell also Meat Slicers but not many family has one at home. It could be the same in Croatia... however it's true that the typical diet is rich in meat :-)

SheR. said...

I wouldn't mind lots of meat if there are lots of vegetables to go with it as in Italian food. I can hardly find a cube of carrot in the soup!

Unknown said...

Haha... I'm a meat person too!

Anyway, you can hardly find a rice cooker in London. You want rice? You can pay 2.5 pounds for a serving at the local Chinese restaurant. :)

SheR. said...

Oh yes. I had to comprise with steaming rice in my little saucepan in London! Hee.. not that bad.

Beau Lotus 涟 said...

In Germany almost everyone I know has a meat slicer :-).

And in Italy they use it for their prosciutto.

I was told by a Serbian friend that in the region, everywhere you go you'll see signs of the pig. Nobody would go into your restaurant unless you reassure them that you have pork or some meat in your menu LOL.

SheR. said...

Bonjour Beau Lotus.

I've never heard about the pig in the restaurant story. Hm.. probably occurs in Bosnia where there are more muslims?

You can find all types of meat served in Croatian restaurants even Bear! I can't wait to try that!